Monday, April 6, 2009

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Never let the microwave run full length until it beeps. Always always turn it off before it beeps, preferably at :02. :01 can be risky but it's fun to take risks, isn't it? Like holding in a sneeze for as long as you can. If i let it beep then how will Panasonic ever show me any respect? I'm in charge here. Cut film cover to vent. Remove from crisping sleeve. Walk on vent grates in the sidewalk and have fun plummeting to your death. I swear you'll drop right into the molten crispy center of the earth, i prefer the cold so why risk it? Close the bedroom door and tap, tap tap the knob. Wait that was only three, tap again to make four. Odd? Odd is never good. Four makes even steven. Four it is. Never leave your shoes sole-up. Do you want everyone reading you so easily? Run your tongue along the roof of your mouth, the thin bone is slightly over to the left. Not centered and that is responsible for my occasional bouts of vertigo. Ears shmears! Get up from the table, but last. Last so that you're the last one to take a sip of water. Water only. ah, yes - walk away. You're all fools! Should i tell them?

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